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​   病症:                

Sensitive skin and eczema

My youngest son, Waylen has sensitive skin and eczema. I’ve tried different types of steroid cream but doesn’t help him to get better. I feel so bad when seeing my son suffered from such a bad condition. His blood stain can be seen everyday on his bed sheet and clothes, because he can’t stand for the skin itchiness and scratched until bleeding. One day, H+, Redoxy and Activator Hydro were introduced to me, so I applied H+ on him for 5 days continuously and his eczema getting better, his wound starts to dry, H+ able to calm and soothe his skin. Then I applied Redoxy and Hydro to his skin for 3 weeks, his skin condition is getting better and improve a lot.

I’m so surprise! And happy to see the result!


2° Activator Hydro

2° Redoxy Essence

2° REOX Series H+

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